The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry
The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry

The Essay That Made My English Teacher Cry


The Power of Personal Writing: We all have pivotal moments in our lives – events and experiences that shape who we are. Putting these moments into words, especially at a young age, can be incredibly challenging yet rewarding. This is the story of how a personal essay I wrote in high school elicited an unexpected reaction from my English teacher. Through vivid details and raw emotion, my article on losing my father to cancer moved my teacher to tears. This experience taught me the power of heartfelt writing in expressing grief, inspiring strength and empathy, and forging human connection.

Chapter 1: The Assignment That Started It All 

The Seeds of My Essay Are Planted It was the Spring of my junior year and the last assignment in my AP English Language class. For the final essay, my teacher, Ms. Thompson, told us we could write about any personal experience that has significantly shaped our lives. I stayed up that night, sifting through memories, moments, and milestones. Then it hit me – the most painful yet transformative event was undoubtedly my father’s battle with lung cancer. His diagnosis when I was 14, followed by the grueling treatments, his inspiring strength, and ultimately his death just before my 16th birthday.

Brainstorming the Outline 

I started by jotting down memories and moments that stood out from my dad’s cancer journey. His initial diagnosis, telling me he was proud of me throughout treatment, gifting me his watch when he went into hospice care, and our final goodbye hug. I noted the sights, smells, and conversations word for word. I wanted to immerse readers fully in those difficult yet precious times. After compiling pages of notes, I made an outline categorizing everything into a narrative arc highlighting my dad’s diagnosis, treatment, Final goodbye, and death. This Outline became my roadmap.

Why This Topic? 

Writing has always been cathartic, a way to process emotions and make sense of experiences. I also wanted to honor my dad and share a glimpse into the incredible person that he was. Most importantly, relating the universal experience of losing a parent could help readers going through similar grief feel less alone. By bravely sharing my vulnerability, I aimed to inspire strength and comfort in others.

Chapter 2: Crafting the Essay 

Pulling Together the First Draft Staring at the blinking cursor on the blank Word document, I was initially overwhelmed. How could I possibly translate profound grief into words on a page? Where do I even start? I took a deep breath, referred to my Outline, and recounted memories. The day my dad first told me about his stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. The exhaustion in his eyes after radiation and chemo sessions. He’d proclaim his inspiring mantra, “We can and we will!” after vomiting from treatments.

The scenes flowed one after another, transporting me back to those difficult moments. I found myself sobbing as I typed, almost reliving the experiences. After hours of typing furiously with tears streaming down my face, I had a five-page first draft chronicling my dad’s cancer battle. It was raw, honest, and Only the beginning.

The Revision Process 

I let the essay marinate for a few days before rereading it with fresh eyes. With more objectivity, I could see areas that needed refinement and reworking. Some scenes required more specifics, while others got bogged down in unnecessary details. With my teacher’s feedback and countless rounds of editing, I chiseled away, shaping the essay into a sculpted story. I focused on striking a balance between being descriptive yet concise emotive yet subtle. After about two weeks of working iteratively, I had crafted a powerful 2000-word personal narrative I was ready to share.

Chapter 3: Presenting My Essay 

The Moment of Truth On the last day of our English class, all students presented our final essays in front of the course and Ms. Thompson. Adrenaline pumping, I volunteered to go first. I was incredibly nervous, hands shaking as I stood before my peers, clutching my essay on crumpled notebook paper. I cleared my throat and dove in, returning to the memories that inspired my writing. My voice quivered, describing my dad’s hospice care and death, but I pressed on, determined to make it through.

A Powerful Reaction 

Glancing up occasionally, I gauged my teacher’s and fellow students’ reactions as I read. Most sat silently, a few dabbing tears from their eyes. As expected, reliving my dad’s death elicited an emotional response. What I didn’t expect, however, was the reaction when I finished. Ms. Thompson, typically reserved and stoic, was quietly crying, tears streaming down her cheeks. The room fell silent until she suddenly stood up and hugged me, sobbing into my shoulder. I was in sheer disbelief. This essay struck an emotional chord, and her unusually vulnerable reaction moved me.

Praise and Positive Feedback 

When Ms. Thompson finally composed herself, she praised me. She said that was the most moving, well-written essay she had ever read from a student. She loved the juxtaposition depicting my dad’s strength and perseverance despite his declining health. The way I wove in sensory details to fully immerse readers in the most impactful scenes. And how the linear structure smoothly flowed, bringing readers on my grief journey with me. Her effusive praise and equally effusive tears in front of classmates left me proud.

Chapter 4: Reflecting On My Essay’s Impact 

An Unexpected Connection through Grief While I set out to write this essay for personal healing and to honor my dad, I formed a special connection with Ms. Thompson. She later told me that she also lost her dad to cancer when she was a teenager. My essay brought up those feelings of grief she still carries today. By eloquently relaying my own experience, my writing resonated on a profoundly personal level with her. We formed a unique student-teacher bond built on shared grief and the human experiences that unite us all.

Writing as Healing 

Beyond making a lasting impression on Ms. Thompson and earning an easy A in her class, the experience of writing this essay taught me so much. About grief, about growth, about connecting to others through vulnerability. Translating emotions and memories into words forces you to process and better understand them. Like carefully examining each artifact found amongst rubble and debris. Sorting through the painful shards allows you to rebuild better. That’s what this essay provided me – a way to sift through grief, find meaning, and rebuild after loss.

This essay also reminded me that openly sharing our stories, no matter how difficult, can inspire remarkable strength and empathy in others. Human experiences, no matter how profoundly unique, still contain universal threads that weave us together. Pull one, and we all feel the tug. This was certainly true with Ms. Thompson. My essay tugged at the grief embedded in her heart and compelled an emotional response. By generously giving my words and tears to readers, I can reciprocate the comfort I found in the shared stories of others.


The Power of Personal Writing The essay about my dad’s battle with cancer will always be one of my proudest achievements. Technically well-constructed yet emotionally resonant, it exemplified my strengths as a writer. More importantly, though, it served as a cathartic vessel carrying my grief, a way to honor my dad’s life, and a piece inspiring empathy and understanding in others. The unexpectedly powerful reaction from my English teacher is something I will remember forever. Her tears watered the seeds of healing planted by this essay and cultivated emotional connections blossoming from difficult experiences. This taught me that courageously sharing our personal stories helps make the vast human experience feel less lonely. And that is something magical.

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"Aman Tufail, MD, a proficient doctor, lends expertise to our lifestyle topics. An enthusiastic nature enthusiast, Aman passionately explores and shares insights about the natural world."
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