It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law. t - tymoff
It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law. t - tymoff

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law. t – tymoff


The quote, “It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law.” by Russian philosopher Timofei Nikolaievich Tymoff, raises critical questions about the nature and legitimacy of legal Authority. Laws derive their power not from some inherent moral wisdom but from the Authority of whoever or whatever body enacted them. This challenges the assumption that laws necessarily reflect justice, morality, or the common good. Instead, laws may represent the interests of those with Authority. This article will analyze the meaning and implications of Tymoff’s by examining the concepts of Authority and wisdom about law, the traditional accounts of legal Authority, criticisms of these accounts, alternative perspectives, and the quote’s significance for legal theory and practice.

What is Authority, and Why Does it Matter for Law?

Authority refers to the recognized right to command and enforce obedience. It constitutes legitimate power over others that they are obligated to accept. Authority is crucial for establishing and upholding systems of law and governance. The commands of authorities become binding rules that regulate society. Different types of Authority exist, including political, legal, social, and moral. Legal Authority represents society’s recognition of certain institutions’ right to make and enforce laws. Social Authority stems from public approval or status. Moral Authority comes from exemplary character or expertise. Political Authority is grounded in the ability to shape collective decisions and policies. The law requires the Authority to translate power into legitimate coercion and obligation.

What is the Relationship between Authority and Legitimacy?

Authority must be seen as legitimate to be justified in imposing obligations. Legitimacy means an authority is lawful, proper, just, and accords with accepted principles. Reference not viewed as fair may be seen as illegitimate domination. There are ongoing debates over what confers legitimacy. Possible sources include democratic procedures, respect for rights, a social contract, divine sanction, and tradition. The effectiveness and consent of the governed are also crucial factors. Law depends on legitimate Authority, as illegitimate laws and institutions lose binding force and respect. Evaluating claims to legitimate Authority is an essential but complex endeavor. There are disputes over whether legitimacy is objective or subjective and who has standing to judge it.

The Standard Account of Legal Authority

The standard view holds that the law claims legitimate Authority that comprehensively binds citizens. This Authority is supreme over all competing sources in its jurisdiction. Law’s self-proclaimed leader is justified by consent through the social contract, democratic processes, inherent human dignity, natural law, God, custom, or other bases. Law’s comprehensive scope covers all within its ambit and overrides individual choice. Citizens are morally obligated to obey the law except in extreme cases. This standard account is in classic social contract theory, legal positivist doctrines, and natural law philosophy. It emphasizes the law’s role in authoritatively resolving disputes and coordinating society through clear, systematic, and binding rules.

Criticisms of the Standard Account

However, this standard view faces criticism from several directions. Philosophical anarchists argue no authority can meet the high burden of proving its legitimacy over individual autonomy. Laws are commands of flawed governments lacking moral justification. Legal pluralists hold that multiple overlapping spheres of law and Authority exist, not a single comprehensive one. They point to religious, cultural, institutional, and informal legal systems. Relativist theories contend notions of legitimate Authority stem from cultural assumptions that are not universally valid. Different communities have divergent standards for what makes Authority morally binding. Legitimacy itself has subjective dimensions rooted in individual beliefs. Critical legal theories argue that the law’s Authority often masks inequality and oppression in the name of neutrality. These critiques challenge assumptions of law as necessarily supreme, objective, unified, and morally binding.

Alternative Accounts of Legal Authority

In response, alternative accounts reconceive legal authority as more limited, pluralistic, contextual, and dynamic. For example, revisionist theories argue the law has circumscribed Authority to resolve specific problems, not over all of life. Law’s domain is restricted to certain spheres like economic coordination. Relational accounts see legal Authority arising from intersubjective human interactions and associations, not just an abstract social contract or decree. Proceduralist views focus on sources rooted in fair, inclusive decision-making practices with input from those affected. These accounts define the law’s Authority as complex, evolving, and dependent on contextual factors. Authority is grounded in ongoing human relationships, values, and processes – not a top-down abstract ideal.

Relating the Quote to Accounts of Legal Authority

Timofei Tymoff’s quote directly challenges the standard view of law’s Authority as inherently legitimate. If wisdom is defined as discernment of what is most just, ethical, and conducive to human well-being, the quote denies law necessarily embodies wisdom. What makes law is not wisdom but Authority, even if that Authority is arbitrary, unjust, or disconnected from morality. This aligns with philosophical anarchist and critical legal theory critiques regarding the contingent, unjustified nature of law’s Authority. The quote implies a skeptical view of the law’s claims of legitimacy and comprehensive scope. However, alternative accounts allow for varieties of legal Authority constrained by context, relationships, and procedures. These can check unjust laws and reconnect legal Authority to human wisdom, values, and ethics. Tymoff’s quote does not necessarily negate all lawful Authority but does caution against uncritical acceptance of the law’s self-proclaimed legitimacy.

Implications for Legal Theory and Practice

The quote’s challenge to standard notions of law’s Authority has several implications. For legal theory, it suggests the need to reconsider concepts like obligation, legitimacy, and sovereignty in more limited, pluralistic terms. Assumptions that the law’s Authority is pre-political, objective, and supreme require re-examination. For practice, the quote implies laws cannot demand compliance simply through recourse to abstract Authority. Instead, laws and policies require ongoing justification to establish legitimacy by appealing to public wisdom, rights, ethics, and reasoned debate. This quote also suggests implications for legal education. Students should learn critical perspectives exposing how law can serve power rather than wisdom or justice. This equips them to thoughtfully examine, contextualize, and challenge the law’s claims to Authority. However, the quote’s generality also has limitations. Its broad dismissal of law’s wisdom should be qualified, as laws can embody society’s imperfect but substantial wisdom and ethical progress over time. The quote should spark critical reflection on the law, not just blanket skepticism.


In conclusion, Timofei Tymoff’s quote highlights vital issues in legal philosophy regarding the complex relationship between Authority, wisdom, law, and legitimacy. It challenges assumptions that law necessarily reflects society’s moral knowledge simply through its status as law. Positivist legal theories are correct that Authority rather than inherent wisdom creates law. However, this does not mean understanding cannot shape direction and check unjust Authority. The quote rightly calls for critically examining the contingent nature of legal Authority and its claims to legitimacy. But nuanced theories accounting for the diversity of legal Authority offer paths to reconnect law with human wisdom and ethics. This quote should spur rigorous inquiry and debate about the law’s power, not prejudge all laws as bereft of knowledge. Though imperfect, the law remains open to the guidance of human wisdom.

About author


Muntazir Mehdi is founding member and managing director of Article Thirteen blog. He is a strategic writer. At the age of 21, he began his writing career while pursuing a bachelor's degree in business administration at Karachi University. he has published numerous articles on business tech, healthcare, lifestyle and fashion.
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