Foot Care for People With Diabetes
Foot Care for People With Diabetes

Foot Care for People With Diabetes

Managing your diabetes can keep your feet healthy and prevent complications. Diabetes can cause nerve damage, which may lead to numbness in the feet, making it difficult to feel pain or discomfort. Diabetic foot care can help prevent foot infections, ulcers, and amputations. Here are foot care precautions for people with diabetes

Inspect Your Feet

Look for changes in skin color or texture, swelling, cuts, sores, blisters, or other abnormalities. If you are unable to see the bottom of your feet, use a mirror or ask someone else to check for you. Early detection of any changes can help prevent these complications.

Wash Your Feet Everyday

Use lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser to bathe your feet. Avoid soaking them, as the water can dry the skin and cause cracks or sores. Moisture can lead to fungal infections in people with diabetes. Properly dried feet will also prevent friction and reduce the risk of blisters. Washing your feet daily is a great diabetic foot care routine.

Keep Your Feet Moisturized

Apply moisturizing lotion or cream to your feet daily, except between your toes. Keeping the skin on your feet hydrated can prevent dryness and cracks that can lead to infections or ulcers. Avoid using lotion or cream between your toes, as it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. 

Choose the Right Footwear

Wearing properly fitting shoes that provide enough support and protection for your feet can help keep your feet healthy and pain-free. Avoid high heels and shoes with pointed toes, as they can put pressure on your toes and cause blisters or calluses. Look for shoes with a wide and deep toe box to give your toes enough room to move without rubbing against each other. Opt for breathable material to allow air circulation and prevent sweat buildup. Shoes with good arch support can reduce the risk of foot pain and discomfort. Inspect your shoes regularly for any signs of wear and tear, such as holes or loose seams.

Trim Your Toenails Regularly

This can prevent ingrown toenails, which can lead to infections near the toenails. Keeping them short can also prevent hangnails from snagging on socks or blankets. If you are unable to trim your toenails yourself, ask your doctor or a qualified professional for assistance. 

When to See Your Doctor

If you experience any foot-related issues, consult your doctor. This includes any cuts, sores, or calluses that are slow to heal. People with diabetes may have reduced blood flow and nerve damage in their feet, making them more prone to infections and wounds that may not heal properly.

Your doctor can also help you address any concerns regarding proper footwear for diabetes. They can recommend shoes designed explicitly for diabetic feet, providing the necessary support and protection. A doctor may also prescribe custom orthotics to improve foot function and alleviate pain or discomfort.

Seek professional help if you notice any changes in sensation or temperature in your feet. These could be signs of nerve damage, which is a common complication of diabetes. Your doctor can thoroughly examine and recommend the appropriate treatment plan to prevent further nerve damage.

Enhance Life With Professional Diabetic Foot Care

Foot care involves choosing proper footwear, daily foot inspections, and seeking professional help when needed. Taking care of your feet can prevent complications and improve your overall health. Consult your doctor if you experience any foot-related issues or changes in sensation. Don’t neglect your feet – they need extra care when living with diabetes. Prioritize diabetic foot care to maintain healthy feet and prevent potential complications.  

About author


"Meet Dr. Andrew Gutwein, MD, a dedicated physician, and esteemed contributor to Article Thirteen's health, fitness, and nutrition content, sharing valuable expertise."
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